Box Power CIC In the News 

The Times

Green-focused councils face questions over sky high energy bills

This is money

Councils spent over £1BILLION more on energy last year

Major differences uncovered in council energy costs

the guardian

Trade groups demand Ofgem tackle energy brokers ‘ripping off’ small firms

energy live news

Manchester City Council shells out top price for electricity

The Times

‘Shocking’ variation in energy rates paid by public sector


manchester evening news

Manchester council paid double per unit of energy compared to other authorities, study claims

Scottish councils spending on energy bills - see the full list

bolton evening news

How much did Bolton Council spend on energy for 2022/23?

Figures show how much Sussex councils paid for energy

Southend Council spend more than £4.5m on energy in a year


Cash-strapped Scottish councils spent a staggering £321m on gas and electricity bills last year

swindon advertiser

Swindon council's energy bills increases by almost £2 million


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